I love this guy. Big Daddy Kane-the man. 'Smooth Operator' was only one of his styles, the smooth loverman persona. The main event for me here is 'Warm It Up Kane' where he shows his skills as a battle emcee, the rhymes fly fast and furious and the man oozes confidence. He is up there with the best there ever was from the golden age or any age of hip hop and rap music. Whatever style he chose he sounded BAD. His material is also like a rap sample database as he slips and slides through copyrighted material as if he was flipping records on and off the 1210s! This is what rap music is all about, taking someone else's stuff, because it sounds so good, then adding a rhyme over the top. This is real rap music. RESPECT to Big Daddy Kane.
Big Daddy Kane Smooth Operator
Big Daddy Kane Warm It Up Kane
These are some tunes Big Daddy borrows for this 12"...
Mary Jane Girls All Night Long
The Honeydrippers Impeach The President
Mohawks The Champ
Michael Jackson Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
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